Parent Information

Our Program

Bulahdelah Pre-School aims to provide a nurturing, educational and fun environment, encouraging questions and teaching your child through a safe happy atmosphere, where they learn through play.

Our program will help guide you through what we do, how you can be involved and what the children do at preschool. We also like to provide helpful hints and useful parenting information – from settling your child into Preschool for the first time to ideas on what to pack in their lunchbox.

Our Program
Handy Tips
The In's and Out's of what you need to know
Arrival & Departure
Making an easy transition for both parents and kids on arrival and pick up and what you need to know and do.
What To Bring
An easy checklist for all the things your little one will needs throughout the day from clothes to food, we got it covered.
What To Wear
Comfortable play clothes ensures your little one gets the most of their days learning through play for indoor and outdoor activities.
Sun Safe
Bulahdelah Preschool is a Sun Safe Preschool and we like ensure that all kids play safely in the sun. We also supply sunscreen at the door.

Parent Information

Pencil Seperator
  • Bulahdelah Preschool operates Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays from 8.15am - 3.45pm.
  • We are closed for all NSW public holidays and associated school holidays.
  • A newsletter will be distributed each month during the term. If you have an email address the newsletter will be emailed to you.
  • Please feel free to comment, as your input is greatly appreciated. If you have anything you would like included please pass it on to a staff member.
  • Also, please check your child's communication pocket each time you come in for any accounts, information or book club brochures.
  • Ensure that details provided on enrolment such as telephone numbers and emergency contacts are kept up to date.

Parents Guide

Family participation is highly encouraged and if you have a special skill or interest that you would like to share with us, we would love to have you visit at preschool.

Sharing new family members whether it be a sibling or a fur baby, cutting up fruit and joining us for morning tea or generally spending time with your child in their day at preschool is highly encouraged.

We strive to all work together as a community to provide a service that is most beneficial, rewarding whilst taking into consideration the longevity and sustainability to all of the stakeholders.

Participating involves collecting the mail and any items we require up the street, cutting up the fruit and vegetables, helping to serve the children, clearing away and packing the dishwasher. Usually duty is finished by 11 am.

Duty is not a “mums only” job – all family members are most welcome. Apart from providing staff with valuable help, it is a chance to both view your child in the Preschool environment, and join in and have some fun.

We understand that some parents are not able to attend due to work commitments. There is always something to do around the preschool that you can get involved with, so please ask.

In fairness to all children as well as the staff, please do not send your child to preschool if he/she is unwell.
Please ring the preschool if your child is unwell and will not be attending preschool. Sickness can spread quickly in
preschool and sick children need to be at home.
The Preschool must be advised of the onset of any infectious diseases such as:

● Chicken Pox
● German Measles
● Mumps
● Whooping Cough

It is essential that preschool be informed on enrolment of any illness or allergies

You can download our policies on Administration of MedicinesInfectious Diseases & Immunisation.

Beginning Preschool is often the first step a young child takes to join a social circle outside the family. Up to this time, their world has been your family. Please remember that some children take longer than others to settle into Preschool and a slow and steady, positive approach is recommended.

When your child is settling into preschool, we recommend spending time with them and settling them in for as long as you can. When you are ready to leave say goodbye and let your child know you will be back to pick them up in the afternoon. A quick goodbye is less stressful on your child and in a lot of cases on parents too.

Most children who cry will settle quickly, but please feel free to call the Preschool if you are concerned or wondering about your child. If your child is not settling, we will call you and discuss options.

Starting Preschool can be a difficult time for some children. Your child may have periods of distress even after being at preschool for a while. This is natural and what is known as ‘Separation Anxiety’, which is usually overcome in the first few weeks.

We do suggest that when bringing your child to preschool, you stay for 5-10mins (maybe watch an activity), then tell them you are leaving and will be back to pick them up in the afternoon – then leave as to not prolong the distress time for them or yourself (as a first time parent, you also can have ‘Separation Anxiety’). They usually settle as soon as you are out of sight!

Please do not leave without saying ‘goodbye’ to your child, as most children find this distressing, and who doesn’t love a goodbye kiss and hug.

Feel free to phone the Preschool during the day to check if your child has settled in, if you are worried.

Each child has a message pocket located on the wall in the entry foyer.
Look in here each day for your messages, from newsletters, accounts, fee receipts, book clubs etc).

As we are a sustainable preschool, all newsletters and accounts will be emailed.
So please signup to our Newsletter to receive your messages online.

After lunch each day the children have ‘quiet time’, where they are encouraged to do quiet activities while the children who require a rest or sleep, lie on the mattresses provided.

Please supply a cot bed sheet set, pillow and a comfort toy if required.
Quiet time helps the children regain their energy levels ready for the afternoon ahead.


Bulahdelah Preschool aims to promote a healthy lifestyle for children by providing food and nutrition education which is consistent with the National Dietary Guidelines for Children & Adolescents State Regulations and Food Safety Principles. These will be appropriate to the child’s age, cultural
background, religion and/or medical needs.


All food provided at the Preschool will be of a substantial nutritional value.
More specifically, families will be encouraged to provide meals and snacks that:

● Meet current standards and recommendations in relation to nutritional requirements.
Are appropriate to the child’s age, cultural and religious background.
Are of a variety and quantity that satisfies the child’s appetite and interest and also meets their nutrition requirements.


Parents are encouraged to pack a healthy lunch box that provides: 1 serve of meat, 1-2 serves of vegetable, 1 serve of fruit, 2 serves of dairy, 2-3 serves of breads or cereal, and a bottle of water.


Eat for Health: Australian Guide to Healthy Eatingdownload print version

Download Our Policy

Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Research has indicated that young children and babies have sensitive skin that places them at particular risk of sunburn and skin damage.

Exposure during the first 15 years of life can greatly increase the risk of developing skin cancer in later life. Early Childhood Services play a major role in minimising a child’s UV exposure as children attend during times
when UV radiation levels are highest.


Bulahdelah Preschool is a Sun Smart service and we endeavour to meet these standards at all times.

Our sun protection policy has been developed to protect all children and staff from the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.


All staff and children need to apply SPF30+ or SPF50+ broad-spectrum water-resistant sunscreen before going outdoors. Sunscreen can be found on the top of the lockers. Click on the download button to view our Sun Safe Policy.

Clothing Guide

Full protection from the sun is essential: No Singlet Tops, Shoulders must be covered by a T-Shirt, A wide brimmed hat that covers their ears and neck, Thongs are not permitted!


NSW Cancer Council: Sun Smart Program for Childcare Services

Download Our Policy

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Happy Parents Say

We're here for you

Your child’s care and education are of highest priority.
If you require further information or assistance,
please do not hesitate to discuss this with the staff at preschool.
We hope your association with the Preschool is positive and beneficial.

Thank You – The Staff and Management Committee of Bulahdelah Preschool